Tamworth Heritsge Trust

The Friends of Tamworth Castle (Friends Charity number 1082468) is the organisation that supports Tamworth Castle Heritage and History.

THT Logo
Castle Friends Logo

The Friends of Tamworth Castle (FOTC) were formed in 1967. For more than fifty years the group has raised many thousands of pounds to help fund the aims and goals of Tamworth Castle and its museum collections. In 2022 we funded the purchase of a Gold Medieval Posy ring found at Whittington near Lichfield on behalf of the Castle and during 2023 we funded the restoration of three non-working clocks which were part of the museum.


For further details please drop us a line at info@tamworthcastle.org.uk

This new Website is under development

Tamworth Castle Friends work with these groups
Tamworth Heritage
Tamworth History
Tamworth Genealogy
Tamworth Archive



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